About our Meetings

MAARC holds monthly meetings that include a tailgate flea market, a walk around (informal) auction, a Show and Tell session, a display table, a presentation, and concludes with a formal auction. Generally, these meetings are held at the Davidsonville Family Recreation Center in Davidsonville, MD on the third Sunday of each month. Flea market activities start at 10:30 AM, with the actual meeting starting at 1:00 PM. Our October RadioFallFest event is slightly different, starting earlier, with an extended flea market and enhanced auctions. Twice a year, typically in April and December, we hold our meetings at the Sully Station Community Center in Centreville, VA. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Come join us.

Once a year we hold a formal three-day event we call RadioActivity. That event, typically in June, takes the place of our June monthly meeting, and includes two formal auctions, extended flea market, multiple presentations, an old equipment contest, and a banquet. This event is usually held at a facility in the DC/Baltimore region.

Check our Events Calendar for additional meeting details.