Radio Age  Journal

Radio Age became the monthly newsletter of the Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club in June 1994. Prior to that date, the MAARC Newsletter and Radio Age were separate publications.

Subscription to Radio Age begins with the most recently available issue after the Membership application and dues are received. Dues are in accordance with the Membership application, all payable in US dollars. One-year, two-year, three-year, and life membership options are available. The Membership application is available at this link. All checks are payable to MAARC and must accompany the membership application, which is available from the Membership Chair or the MAARC website under menu ‘Membership’. If you change your mailing address, email, or phone number, please either make the changes to your Members Only profile, or notify the Membership Chair immediately via email so corrections can be made to Radio Age’s mailing list, Members Only access, and monthly email notices. The Post Office will not forward copies of Radio Age.

Contact the Webmaster for free PDF copies of specific articles of Radio Age or the MAARC Newsletter. Please identify the month, year, and page number of the desired article.

Limited print copies of recent (within the last year) back issues of Radio Age are available for $3.50 per issue postpaid from the Webmaster. For additional information regarding back issues, contact the Webmaster.

MAARC Members are provided access to electronic copies of the previously published MAARC Newsletters and Radio Age editions in the Members Only section of the website. All back issues of the MAARC Newsletter and Radio Age are available for viewing and printing as PDF files on the Members Only section of the website. Members must use their Login and Password to access the Members Only section of the website.

Submissions to Radio Age are welcomed. Typewritten copy is preferred to handwritten. Articles should be submitted in PC format, preferably via email or on a CD or flash drive, in MS Word, Word Perfect, Wordpad, or RTF format, without fancy formatting because the editors will have to modify it anyway. Photographs, if hard copy, should be high quality black and white or color. Softcopy graphics files should be in TIFF or JPEG formats; contact the editors for further guidance. Send you submission to any of the editors (see email address in your most recent copy of Radio Age) and include your name, address, phone, and email.

Download the Radio Age and MAARC Newsletter index files from the window below:

Thumb Cumulative-Index-June-1994-February-2024-Radio-Age.pdf Cumulative Index June 1994-February 2024 Radio Age.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 1.13 MB 2024-02-06 February 6, 2024 2024-02-06 February 6, 2024
1.13 MB
Thumb Cumulative_Index_1975-1993_RadioAge.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 451.64 KB 2022-12-08 December 8, 2022 2022-01-11 January 11, 2022
451.64 KB

