Mitch Amos MAARC member Mitch Amos has plenty of parts available for your restoration projects. Email him at for availability and price.
Radio Daze Tubes, parts, tools, and supplies for restoring old radios.
Antique Electronic Supply Tubes, parts, and supplies for restoring vacuum tube equipment.
Antique Radio Grille Cloth Premier source for reproduction pattern grill cloth. Lost their supplier, but provide alternate sources. Now feature Radio Related Advertising Art and Other Stuff.
Old Radio Parts MAARC member Mark Oppat provides this online store as your source for vintage and reproduction electronic items including Books, Bulbs/Lamps, Capacitors, Connectors, Controls, Dials, Hardware, Knobs, Phono Parts, Resistors, Rubber Parts, Schematics, Speakers, Transformers, Wire & Line Cords, etc. for vintage radios.
K & D Electronics Resistors, capacitors, and High End Audio tubes, parts, and supplies. Note: This vendor is in China. Nice general resource site for radio collectors. A forum; it mostly contains information and links on various antique radios and equipment.
DigiKey Offering all types of modern electronic components including Boxes, Enclosures, Racks, Cable Assemblies, Wire, Connectors, Electromechanical Hardware, Fasteners, Integrated Circuits (ICs), Networking Solutions, Semiconductors, Test & Measurement Equipment, and Tools.
Mouser Electronics Offering all types of modern electronic components including Circuit Protection, Connectors, Electromechanical Devices, Enclosures, Engineering Tools, LED Lighting, Computer Memory & Data Storage, Optoelectronics, Semiconductors, Sensors, Test & Measurement Equipment, Tools, Supplies, Wire, and Cable.
Jameco Electronics Offering all types of modern electronic components including Batteries, Computer Products, Electronic Kits & Projects, Electromechanical Parts, Enclosures, Racks, Cabinets, ICs & Semiconductors, Interconnects, Optoelectronics, LED & Lighting, Power Supplies, Wall Adapters, Testing Supplies, Tools, Wire, and Cable.
Hawk Electronics Inc. Offering all types of modern electronic components including Connectors, Switches, Wire, Cables, Batteries, Fuses, Enclosures, Racks, Optoelectronics, Lamps & LEDS, Semiconductors, Tools, Metal, Audio Components, Hardware, Soldering Equipment, Heat Guns, and Multimeters.
Amazon Believe it on not, Amazon is a good source for Capacitors, Resistors, Other Electronic Parts, even some Vacuum Tubes.
MAARC Remember, MAARC sells a wide variety of NOS and used tubes at the monthly meetings and our meets. Visit the tube trailer or email Charlie Scarborough.
KD Tubes MAARC member Dave Rossetti has retired from the daily grind and is now open for business in the tube market specializing in the testing and sale of vintage radio, audio, and ham tubes. His specialty is tube testing, including tube matching using a curve tracer. Contact him to see if he can provide you the tubes you need for your project.
NCRTV The National Capital Radio and TV museum sells tubes.
Antique Electronic Supply Tubes, parts, and supplies for restoring vacuum tube equipment.
Radio Daze Tubes, parts, tools, and supplies for restoring old radios.
Tube Depot Tubes, Parts & Accessories, Guitar Amps, Pedals, HiFi, and other electronic supplies.
Vacuum Tubes.Net The Vacuum Tubes division of Radio Electric Supply, home of “the largest supply of New Old Stock vacuum tubes in the world.”
Vacuum Tubes, Inc. Offering radio, audio, ham, and industrial new old stock vacuum tubes.
Mitch Amos MAARC member Mitch Amos has plenty of capacitors available for your restoration projects. Email him at for availability and price.
MAARC The club sells the most commonly used capacitors (Click Here to download the Excel List and Pricing) at the monthly meetings at good prices. See or email your needs to Randy Warren for pickup at the next meeting. NOTE: We are not facilitated to ship capacitor orders.
WJOE Radio Capacitors, resistors, and dial lamps for vintage radios.
Just Radios Capacitors for vintage radios.
Old Radio Parts MAARC member Mark Oppat provides this online store as your source for vintage and reproduction electronic items including capacitors for vintage radios.
Radio Daze Capacitors, tubes, parts, tools, and supplies for restoring old radios.
Antique Electronic Supply Capacitors, tubes, parts, and supplies for restoring vacuum tube equipment.
Radio Daze Reproduction glass dial scales and some decals.
The Radiola Guy Reproduction paper, foil, and plastic dial scales. Custom work offered.
Old Radio Parts MAARC member Mark Oppat provides this online store as your source for vintage and reproduction electronic items including Dials for vintage radios.
Retro Radio Repair Reproduction clear plastic dial covers.
David and Joann Frush Good salvaged knobs, escutcheons, dials, chassies, etc. No website, but email inquiries to:
Old Time Replications Reproduction knobs, pushbuttons, and plastic escutcheons.
Old Radio Parts MAARC member Mark Oppat provides this online store as your source for vintage and reproduction electronic items including Books, Bulbs/Lamps, Capacitors, Connectors, Controls, Dials, Hardware, Knobs, Phono Parts, Resistors, Rubber Parts, Schematics, Speakers, Transformers, Wire & Line Cords, etc. for vintage radios.
Renovated Radios Reproduction rubber grommets, gaskets, knobs, pushbuttons, and CRT masks, etc.
Constantines Wood Center Lacquers, veneers, and refinishing supplies for wood cabinets.
Custom Hardwood Radio Knobs Custom wooden knobs for your reconditioned radios and other equipment. Ben Ericson, proprietor.
NCRTV MAARC’s extensive service literature library was merged with that of the National Capital Radio and TV Museum. Photocopy packages are available for most vintage radio and TV sets.
The Boat Anchor Manual Archive (BAMA) The Boat Anchor Manual Archive offers free manuals for download
Nostalgia Air Free online schematics, manuals, tube data, references and more.
Old Radio Parts MAARC member Mark Oppat provides this online store as your source for vintage and reproduction electronic items including Books and Schematics for vintage radios.
Just Radios Schematics and Capacitors for vintage radios.
A. G. Tannenbaum’s Homepage User and Service Manuals for old radios, amps, ham, audio, and test equipment.
The Radiola Guy Schematics and service literature, for more than just Radiolas.
Philco Radio Ron Ramirez’s website has schematics for Philco radios.
Glendale Manuals An eBay Store
TubeSound Another eBay Store
JF Antique Radio Repair Serving the Georgia area. 30 years experience in repair of antique radios and tube equipment. Reasonable rates. Located in Stockbridge, GA. Website also has repair referals for the DC, Winchester, and Richmond areas.
Old Radio Doc Antique Radio Restoration and Repair services. Located in Pomfret Center, CT. Run by Bob Eslinger.
Camden Antique Radio Service Antique radio repair and schematics. Located near Atlanta, GA. Run by Scott Rhode.
Great Northern Vintage Radios Restoration, repair, parts, and sales services. Located in Minneapolis, MN. Run by Alan Jasperson. Email Alan.
For Your Listening Pleasure Antique Radio & Record Player Restoration and Repair services. Located in Binghamton, NY. Run by The Phillips Family.
Urban Antique Radio and Vintage Hi-Fi Restoration, repair, and sales services. Located in Windsor, CT. Run by Mike Urban.
Tom’s Antique Radio Repair Repair services. Has on-line repair price estimate listings. Located in Dayton, OH.
Bruce Pellicot MAARC member Bruce Pellicot specializing in vintage radio receivers and transmitters. He is located in Woodstock, MD near Ellicott City. He can be reached via email at
J&J Vintage Radio Restoration, Repair, & Sales For those of you who live on or near the DelMarVa peninsula, check with J&J Vintage Radio for your servicing needs.
Duane Satorius does beautiful cabinet refinishing. Located in Highland, MD, he can be reached via email at:
NCRTV Members of the National Capital Radio and TV museum offers radio repairs to members.
Radio Attic Buy and sell old radios here. Restoration Services also. Located in Eaton, NH
Sources for Radio & Test Equipment Manuals A listing of free and for sale service literature.
Estes Auctions Premier vintage electronics auction house. Usually several per month.
Vintage Audio “Mr. Analog” deals in vintage stereo gear, Hi-Fi, and vinyl records. Run by George Rasley.
All About Electronic Circuits for Kids Basic information about electronic circuits
Electricity Glossary and Terms Basic information about electricity
Allied Catalogs All the old Allied Radio catalogs General resource site for radio collectors. Forums, Galleries, Links, Articles, etc.
Radio Finder by Tube Line-up Matches tube complements to radios where used. Run by John Okolowicz.
Renovated Radios Magazines and Service Literature on CD including “Radio Retailing”, also restoration articles.
Philco Radio Ron Ramirez’s website has boat loads of info on Philco radios.
Philco Repair Bench Excellent info for fixing your Philco (or other) antique radio. Great Resource Links page.
The Radiola Guy Extensive info about Radiolas, and other radios too.
The Boat Anchor Manual Archive (BAMA) Extensive list of owners manuals for free download. Mostly tube HAM gear, some test equipment and other stuff.
Harry Poster Vintage TV site.
The Original Old Time Radio (OTR) WWW Pages Old Time Radio programs and history.
Early Development of Radio – 600 BC to the Early 1920’s Article covering from discovery of electricity through electronics leading to radio.
United States Early Radio History Archive of articles on early history of radio (1897 – 1927).
New York’s Broadcasting History Including a radio history timeline.
Inland Marine Radio History Archive Archive of the history of radio on the Great Lakes and the Mississippi.
Field Service Management Guide: Telecommunications Timeline See how far communications have come.
Radio Attic Archives Over 6000 radios pictured in galleries searchable by manufacturer. On-line museum featuring pictorial galleries of radios from around the world. Searchable by manufacturer and country, in several languages.
Silver, Sounds, and Stuff Over 1000 radios pictured in searchable gallery.
Classic Radio Gallery Radios pictured in searchable gallery. Also radios and schematics for sale.
Norwegian Historical Radio Society English language version of website featuring pictures of Norwegian radios and Tandberg equipment.
Vintage Radio Shows.Com Subscription Service of OTR Programs for download or smart phone. Over 80,000 listings.
Old Time Radio Show Catalog OTR programming for sale and download. Extensive, well indexed holdings. New listings monthly
Alabama Historical Radio Society Birmingham, AL
Antique Radio Club of Illinois (ARCI) LaGrange Park, IL
Antique Radio Club of Schenectady Latham, NY
Antique Radio Club of Victoria, BC British Columbia, Canada
Antique Radio Collectors & Historians (ARCH) of Greater St. Louis
Antique Wireless Association (AWA) Bloomfield, NY
Antique Wireless Association of Southern Africa South Africa
Arizona Antique Radio Club (AZARC) Glendale, AZ
Australian Vintage Radio Society Victoria, Australia
British Vintage Wireless Society (BVWS) Wiltshire, England
California Historical Radio Society (CHRS) Alameda, CA
Canadian Vintage Radio Society (CVRS) Victoria, BC, Canada
Carolinas Chapter of the Antique Wireless Association (CC-AWA) Matthews, NC
Central Ohio Antique Radio Association (COARA)
Cincinnati Antique Radio Society (CARS)
Colorado Radio Collectors (CRC) Castle Rock, CO
Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club (DVHRC) New Britain, PA
Greater New York Vintage Wireless Association (GNYVWA) Seaford, NY
Heartland Antique Radio Association (HLARA) Tulsa, OK
Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA) Victoria, Australia
Historical Wireless Society of South East Queensland (HWS of SEQ) Australia
Houston Vintage Radio Association (HVRA) Houston, TX
Hudson Valley Antique Radio and Phonograph Society-AWA (HARPS) Suffern, NY
Indiana Historical Radio Society Indianapolis, IN
Irish Vintage Radio & Sound Society Ireland
Iowa Antique Radio Club and Historical Society (IARCHS)
Jacksonville Antique Radio Club
London Vintage Radio Club (LVRC) London, ON, Canada
Long Island (NY) CW Club (LICWC)
Long Island Radio and TV Historical Society (LIRTVHS) Sayville, NY
Michigan Antique Radio Club (MARC)
Mid-South Antique Radio Collectors (MSARC) Lexington, KY
Military Radio Collectors Association (MRCA) Holderness, NH
Military Radio Collector’s Group (MRCG) Santa Paula, CA
Museum of Broadcast Communications Chicago, IL
Museum of Radio & Technology Huntington, WV
Music City Vintage Radio Club Nashville, TN
National Capital Radio & Television Museum Bowie, MD
National Electronics Museum (NEM) Huntvalley, MD
Nederlands Forum over Oude Radio’s NFOR (Dutch forum on old radio’s)
New England Vintage Electronics Club (NEVEC)
New Jersey Antique Radio Club (NJARC) Barnegat, NJ
New Mexico Radio Collectors Club (NMRCC)
New Zealand Vintage Radio Society (NZVRS) Auckland, New Zealand
Niagara Frontier Wireless Association (NFWA) Cheektowaga, NY
Northland Antique Radio Club Minneapolis, MN
Northwest Vintage Radio Society (NWVRS) Portland, OR
Oklahoma Vintage Radio Collectors Midwest City, OK
Ontario Vintage Radio Association (OVRA) Ontario. Canada
Ottawa Vintage Radio Club (OVRC) Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society (PARS) McMurray, PA
Puget Sound Antique Radio Association (PSARA) Tacoma, WA
Quebec Society for Vintage Radio Collectors (QSVRC) Quebec, Canada
Radio Club of America (RCA) Minneapolis, MN
Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound (REPS) Shoreline, WA
Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada (SPARC) Delta, BC, Canada
Southeastern Antique Radio Society (SARS) Alpharetta, GA
Southern California Antique Radio Society (SCARS) Westminster, CA
Texas Antique Radio Club (TARC) Canyon Lake, TX
Tidewater Antique Radio and Phonograph Association (TARPA) Virginia Beach, VA
Vintage Radio & Communications Museum (VRCM) Windsor, CT
Vintage Radio & Phonograph Society (VRPS) Irving, TX
Vintage Radio Club of North Eastern Victoria Victoria, Australia