
About MAARC Auctions

Each of our monthly meetings offers a free flea market, a walk around (informal) auction, and a small formal auction. The auctions provide the opportunity to buy and sell vintage electronic equipment, parts, and literature at good prices. There is a small seller’s commission for the formal auction sales. Of course, there is no guarantee that items will sell, though most do.

The monthly meeting auctions tend to feature lesser value items. Because of the prices typically realized, the monthly auctions tend to be good opportunities to buy and sell lesser quality items and parts. Twice a year we offer larger meets with bigger flea markets and auctions.

These larger auctions have higher quality offerings and are more likely to garner better prices. They may have minimum opening bids, consignment limits, and other policy requirements to help manage the auction. The two events, RadioActivity and RadioFallFest, are normally in June and October respectively.

Check the Calendar Page for dates and details of the larger meets, as well as the monthly meetings.

We recommend one of these venues if you have a few items to sell. And, of course, we welcome those looking to buy. Many consider it one of the most fun aspects of the hobby. Reserves are allowed at MAARC auctions, but shill bidding is not authorized. For full policy details, read MAARC’s auction policies in the file 1_MAARC Auction Policies below (requires PDF reader software).

Also for your convenience, below is the MAARC Auction Consignment Form in the file in spreadsheet format 2_Auction Consign Sheet (requires Excel compatible software), or in PDF format (2 Auction Consign Sheet). They can be downloaded or printed out and filled out prior to the auction. It is easiest to just number your items consecutively on the consignment form. Try to describe the items with model numbers or some other unique information rather than just as “radio” or the like. It helps when tracking down items in the rare case of a problem. Since they change from auction to auction, the Bidder / Consignment Numbers are not normally available until the event. Leave that box blank until then.

Each auction lot/item needs to be tagged with a MAARC Auction tag form (3_MAARC_Large_Tag_For_LOTs). On the tags, be sure to note the condition and any other useful information that the auctioneer can pass on to the bidders about the item. This may help the item sell for a higher price. Lots are identified by “Bidder / Consignment Number – Item Number”. The “Item Number” is the one you gave it on the consignment form. As mentioned above, the Bidder / Consignment Numbers are not normally available until the event. Lots being donated to MAARC do not need an identification number, just write “Donation” on the tag. It may be easiest for you to just pick up auction tags at the event, then fill them out and tag your lots / items there.

A new combination Auction Consignment Sheet and Large Tag Excel spreadsheet is also available for download. This spreadsheet is in the Beta testing stage. It works, but may be subject to failure if manipulated. Only enter data in the assigned areas of the Auction Consignment Sheet. It will automatically populate the tags on the follow-on tabs of the spreadsheet.

Estate Sales

If you have a large number of items we may set up a special auction or try to feature them as a special emphasis at one of our big RadioActivity or RadioFallFest auctions. Perhaps you had a relative or friend who was a fellow collector or who was a radio or television repairman “back in the day” and you have their estate to dispose of. Maybe that describes yourself and you are looking to down-size your holdings. MAARC is honored to assist in such efforts.

We recognize that as collectors we are merely stewards of items of historic value and want to help pass them along to those who will continue to preserve them. By arrangement with you, we can handle pick-up, hauling, and advertising for such events. For this effort we typically ask a 15% sellers commission on the auction sales, which we feel is very reasonable for our time and trouble which can be considerable.

Remember, our larger auctions held at RadioActivity and RadioFallFest have higher quality offerings and are more likely to garner better prices. These two events are normally in June and October respectively.

Please review and complete the MAARC Consignment Contract if you are selling items as part of an estate sale.

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